About us

Selvática trata de
construir una marca como un proyecto comunitario trabajando con diferentes
comunidades de artesanas para apoyar las economías locales y centrarse en un
abastecimiento sostenible para un futuro mejor.


La gran mayoría de
las artesanas con las que colabora Selvática, son cabezas de familia y tienen
una media de 3 a 5 personas a su cargo, son quienes aportan el principal
sustento de su familia. Su trabajo permite a la familia comprar las necesidades
básicas, financiar la educación y aliviar la pobreza en las comunidades rurales
en las que viven.


Cada una de las
comunidades tiene su tradición y conocimiento, todo ello lo van transmitiendo
de generación en generación. Tratamos de ayudar ese talento y las bellas obras
de arte que crean, dando a conocer como ponen en cada una de ellas su esfuerzo,
meticulosidad y amor.



We work a

Ethics Initiative

Every piece we make is a complete and absolute collaboration with each of our Artisan Communities. We create close, real and lasting relationships that are based on trust, transparency and mutual respect.

The well-being of our artisans is paramount to us, whether that means longer lead times to ensure there is no unnecessary pressure or providing grants and advances when natural difficulties arise in life.

We are a team!

We value the

Ancestral Arts and Techniques

The value of Selvatica pieces is that they are handmade following ancestral techniques from the oldest communities in America and their knowledge is passed on generation after generation.

Behind each piece there is a story, a culture, an identity and a way of life that are mixed with love and passion. The Artisan gives the crafted piece a much superior, unmatched and unique value.

Our mission


We work mainly with Artisans from Peru and Colombia and ancestral craft techniques have been transmitted from generation to generation and constitute an important part of the culture and identity of the different communities. However, due to a lack of innovation and demand, they risk being lost forever. By bringing their craftsmanship to the international market, we hope to help safeguard and revalue these techniques and their pieces.


Crafts are a valuable source of income for Artisan Communities, especially with the recent impact of global warming on agriculture. However, due to their remote location and lack of access to markets and COVID-19, many struggle to sell enough throughout the year. We want to connect these Communities with global markets and conscious consumers to contribute to strengthening a promising sustainable economy in their regions.


The people behind each piece of Craftsmanship are often undervalued and unknown. Therefore, our goal is for talented artisans to be recognized and feature prominently in everything we do. Give them the recognition they deserve.


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